
Free Tips for Computer Maintenance

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There are several possible causes for your PC slowdown--and as many solutions. This article will talk about repairing and maintaining your computer with built-in utilities and free software.

As you add programs to PC, the hard drive begins to fill up and slow down. Actually and it takes PC longer and longer to access files on the drive. It's not because you have too much data on your drive, but because the programs are split into chunks and scattered in various locations on your PC and spread out across the drive. Then it takes the system more time to locate the information and put it all together and this results in a slow running computer.
Now, you need a Good Disk Defragmenter to realign the data that is on your drive.

As you add new applications to your PC, the registry begins to becomes cluttered, bloated and full of errors. To fix this you need a registry optimizer which helps you reduce the size of the registry as well as fix any errors that may exist within the registry.
You can also check your registry errors with your computer's built-in maintenance utilities - Windows' error-checking utility. Open "My Computer," right-click on your "C" drive, then click "Properties." Click the "Tools" tab, then click "Scan Now" under the "Error-checking" category. Check both boxes in the pop-up window, then click "Start." This process may take quite some time, but it will locate and correct any errors on your hard drive. It is recommended that you do not run any other programs during this process.

As you run antivirus software, some available popular packages will slow your PC down.  Try to find an anti virus package that is lightweight and does not take up many system resources.

System memory affects PC speed, so figure out how much system memory you have and try to increase it. You can gain more disk space with built-in utilities: Run your computer's built-in maintenance utilities, Disk Cleanup and Disk Defragmenter. Access both of these applications by clicking "Start," opening "All Programs," then "Accessories" and finally "System Tools." Disk Cleanup compresses certain files, removes other unnecessary data and cleans out other files that you specify tofree up disk space, and Disk Defragmenter pieces together fragmented files to help your computer load data more quickly.

These steps can help you revive an old computer. If you want the easiest way to speed up your PC, free try this software now: Acebyte Utilities Free.

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